
1. Regular Self-defense Class (schedule as below)

  • for anyone who is older than 16 years old, regardless of size, fitness level or strength.
  • include: fitness, basic self-defense skills (punching, kicking,  defend against weapon based attacks, ground skills, ect.), fighting tactics in situation of aggression.
  • Participation in regular classes is obligatory  to take grading exam. (minimal training time is 60hours)

2. Individual Training

  • Offer is addressed to people who are interested in personal training alone with an instructor or in a very small group. The hours and topics of training depend on customer needs and expectations.

3. Seminars

  • Seminars are based on different topics,like knife, stick or gun. We might practice the techniques in park, metro,bus or restaurant other than the gym. All this is to bring our training to realism, to prepare for an appropriate response in high stress (HSRT - High Stress Reaction Training).

4. Training aboard

  • As a United Krav Maga Twaiwan member, you will have opportunity to join many training abroad led by Tomasz Adamczyk, President / Head Instructor of United Krav Maga World Organisation and United Global expert team.


1. 常態課程(課表如下)

  • 適合普通民眾,16歲以上,可無任何武術背景。
  • 課程內容包括:Krav Maga基本防禦技術, 格鬥技術以及體能訓練。同時培養在危險情況下的正確應對方式和態度-盡可能避免衝突,保持距離,全身而退。
  • 參加常態課程是報考階位考試的必要條件,總學時要達到60小時(私人課程或研習會學時也包括在內)

2. 私人課程

  • 有興趣參加個人Krav Maga 訓練的學員可與教練或是TMMA櫃檯聯絡,討論具體上課時間和內容。

3. 研習會

  • 研習會為3-5小時的講課和訓練,讓學員在常態課程的基礎上得到更全面的Krav技巧以及求生的正確觀念。
  • 上課內容針對不同的主題展開,如:刀,棍,短槍等,上課地點也會按照主題有所不同。目的是讓我們的訓練更真實,讓我們在高壓環境下做出更恰當的反應。
  • 開課信息將在網頁與臉書上同步更新,敬請期待。

4.  國外訓練

  • United Krav Maga 總部在歐洲每年都會舉辦各種研習會和訓練營,屆時來自各國的學員會齊聚一堂,一起學習,訓練,分享生活點滴。
  • 指導教練均來自United全球精英教練團隊